Tuesday, October 18, 2011

As it comes. . .

Over the years, I've come to learn to enjoy life as it comes, in the precious moments of each day. Living any little success and fulfillment here and now, and not in some distant, imagined future.

While others set up themselves as a hostage to their own circumstances and inventory of material possessions, I chose to live richly and fully no matter what. Making joyful and thankful use of whatever I have, wherever I am, big and small, relevant or not.

I come to learn to pay no attention to those who scream at me that in order to be happy, you must have these things or that experience or this somebody. I come to learn to ignore them, and simply choose to be happy by my own interpretation of happiness all around me.

Life is good.

Life is rich.

Life is joyful.

Life is rewarding.

Life is fulfilling.

\(^_^)/ Happy Wednesday y'all!

Will end today's post with a favorite quote on contentment:

"It is not the place, nor the condition, but the mind alone that can make anyone happy or miserable." -Roger L'Estrange

My secret of a happy life isn't burried in a treasure chest... it lies within my heart.

Loving Ones in the Philippines (my family back home)... I so miss them. (--;) :(

Children are a reflection of who you are, be proud of them!

The Little things... The Little life... No, They aren't Little. (^з^)-☆ (on the left side of the photo are my parents, my eldest daughter Kaina between them, on the right side is my elder sister Susie, nephew Paolo, and niece Sydney)

"You gave me a reason for my being, and I love what I'm feeling."
(hubby and i, during our family's Summer Camp in Tochigi-prefecture, Aug. 1 - 3, 2011.)

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